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Review Novel O Karya Eka Kurniawan

Judul: O Penulis: Eka Kurniawan Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Umum (GPU) Cetakan pertama Maret 2016 Halaman: 470 ISBN: 978-602-03-2559-0 O – bukankah judulnya terlalu sederhana dengan cover seekor monyet? Dan bany…


“Mothers hold their children’s hand for moment and their heart for lifetime”. From the quotation, it can be understood that parents have the good role to nurture their children, especially a mother. The parents nurture children …

Without a Teacher, I’m not like Today

“What do you do now?” “I work at office. What’s your job?” “Great! Well, I’m a Doctor.” “Really? I should visit you if I’m sick.” “Haha… You must.” “Back to the time we were students, both of us were really naughty.” …

Review Film: Dead Poets Society by Peter Weir

Dead Poets Society 1989 American Film Written by Tom Schulman Directed by Peter Weir Starring Robin Williams from googling “Kita tidak membaca dan menulis puisi sebab hal itu manis. Kita membaca dan menulis pui…

Review Novel: Cantik itu Luka Oleh Eka Kurniawan

Judul: Cantik itu Luka (Beauty is a Wound) Penulis: Eka Kurniawan Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Umum (GPU) Cetakan ketujuh Juli 2015 Halaman: 479 ISBN: 978-602-03-1258 Telah diterjemahkn ke bahasa Jepang dan Malay…

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