DUNIA MELIHATKU - Do you feel that recently Malang's climate became hot? Based on Kompas, Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical (BMKG), said that the 2019 dry season in Indonesia tends to be longer than it should be. What about in 2020? I think it will be hotter than 2019. Is it ok? It's not ok at all. We should reduce global warming. Why?

People care climate. Picture: Pexels

Effects of Global Warming

I'm sure that people know the effect of global warming. However, they still careless about it. Besides it changes the climate, there are many effects of global warming. I summarized some articles from sites as below:
  1. Some glaciers are melting.
  2. It damages or destroys forests, farms, fisheries, etc.
  3. It destructs coral reefs.
  4. It causes some diseases.

We are going to be poor people if we don't care global warming. Picture: Pexels

Applying Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R)

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle is a simple step to reduce global warming. Reduce is the activity of using packaging products. Reuse is the activity of reusing used objects. While recycle is the activity of recycling unused items to be useful again.

I may not understand science, but I have a dream since some years ago about Indonesia has a refill station.

I prefer have a hot date than a hot planet. Picture: Pexels

Making "Refill Station" for Society

People need to buy shampoo, soap, toothpaste, hand and body lotion, etc. It's daily needs for us. Even so, without realizing, we have gotten a lot of plastics packaging from our daily needs. Then, we just throw away our plastic packaging after it runs out. It's because we will get a new one if we shop our daily needs again. Well, we repeat these activities every we shop our daily needs. So, we produces our plastic waste more and more.

Because of it, I will make "Refill Station" for society. So, we don't need to throw away our plastic packaging after it runs out, but we need to refill it in refill station. The refill station let us apply 3R or reduce, reuse, and recycle.

I hope you refill your daily needs in a refill station. Picture: coconuts.co

How I make "Refill Station"

I will collaborate with communities, government, brands, and supermarkets to carry out this plan. 
  1. I will go to a community to help me. I will give and present my proposal to them.
  2. The community and I will discuss more about our plan. Then, we will go to government to give and present the proposal. We will explain the benefits and the way we will do the plan. 
  3. The community and I will go to a brand of daily needs like shampoo, soap, etc. We will tell them to make refill station to reduce plastic waste. 
  4. The community and I will go to a supermarket to collaborate and do a trial. After doing a trial around one month, the community and I  will open refill station in every supermarket in the city.

Our collaborations will be great and of course, we will develop our collaborations to be bigger and bigger. So as, we will be used to use refill station to buy our daily needs.

So, would you like to join me making "Refill Station" for reducing global warming?


This article is just an assignment for my English Class. However, I also hope this plan can be true in Malang.
*Artikel ini hanya sebuah tugas untuk kelas Bahasa Inggrisku. Tapi, aku juga berharap rencana ini menjadi kenyataan di Malang Raya.



  1. yes, hot in many places....we should take action sooner rather than later.

  2. wahh lucu bangettt tempatnyaaa.. menarik!

  3. saya sudah sebisa mungkin meminimalkan produksi sampah plastik, dengan cara bawa kantong atau wadah dari rumah, tapi tetap amt diperlukan gerakan massal dan konsisiten untuk menyelamatkan bumi ini...

  4. Tentang kampanye produk isi ulang, kemarin liat punya *nilever yg menyediakan mesin isi ulang utk produk sampo dan sabun miliknya

  5. begitu juga di Batam humid sekali, panas terasa sampai malam hari

  6. Aduh, aku tidak terlalu paham bahasa Inggris mbak. Ini tugas bahasa Inggris ya, semoga sukses ya mbak.😊


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